
Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 Open House

Last evening was the Lynden Pioneer Museum's 34th Annual Open house. An amazing evening with so much excitement in the air you could feel it.
Our director, Troy Luginbill and his Dad, George Luginbill brought Mabel, their WWII truck, for her debut. They have been working hard to get her running and refurbished and last night she was parked in front of the museum in all of her glory.
The shops on the museum's Front Street came alive with shopkeepers, experts,
authors and visitors.

Special thanks for the delicious desserts. The Lynden Dutch Bakery, Doris Jean's Donut's and our own docents and volunteers, the Whatcom Dairy Women and Ambassadors and Lynden Starbucks all brought something to the table. Yum!
It's the best night of the year at the museum, the whole museum is packed with families and presenters. The place just hums! I love it!
See you next year...